Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nick Cave Caricature

Couldn't resist doing this week's Caricaturama Showdown 3000 challenge this week, Aussie cult warbler Nick Cave. Love these challenges as it gives me the opportunity to really explore something a bit different. Also updating my rugby caricature blog tonight too.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Caricatures Petone Fair

Great day last Saturday at Petone. Below are some of my happy customers. Will be at Martinborough again on Saturday 5 March. Best wishes to all in Christchurch.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tommy Lee Jones as Rodeo Clown

Last week Tommy Lee Jones was the victim at Caricaturama 3000 home of the world's finest caricaturists. I'd been wanting to do something slightly different than just a straight illustration so after some deliberation turned TLJ into a Men in Black Rodeo Clown. 

I think this might be my last entry for awhile as I have a couple of potential projects that could score me some cash! The first involves just some really basic simple cartoons but could be the start of a whole series of products.

The second is a bit hush hush for the time being, but I'm sure I'll be posting some work in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Caricaturama Showdown 3000

There's a fantastic group on Facebook called Caricaturama Showdown 3000. It's full of the world's most skilled illustrators and artists and has provided me with a real source of inspiration and envy! Seeing how other doodlers set about the same subject is fascinating and inspiring. The standard is always exceptional and has left me quite jealous of the creativity and perception of other caricaturists. It's all good though serves as great motivation to improve and refine my own skills.

Here are my contributions to the weekly competitions they have had over the past month or so.

 Amanda Seyfried

David Bowie

Steve Carrell

James Cromwell