Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rhys Darby, Jermaine Clement and Brett mcKenzie

Rhys Darby's birthday the other day apparently. Went to see a gig of his about a year or so ago and hurled this on stage at him.

Whilst I'm on about Kiwi comedians here's some old sketches I did of Jermaine Clement and Brett McKenzie, the colour one is a work in progress.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

French and Saunders and other comedy caricatures

Here's another piece that was published about 18 months ago in NZ magazine The Listener. The whole experience around this was a big learning curve for me. Both in terms of the  creation of the image and communicating with clients.

And dipping further into my archives, I find amongst my dust covered scribbles and doodles a few of my other favourite comedians.

Billy Connolly

Bill Hicks

Ross Noble

Have a gander at my most recent work to at:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A novel approach to the feeding of your lunatic mage

A couple of book covers that I did for my friend and colleague, Doug Van Belle last year-ish.

The above was for his book 'A Novel Approach to Politics' which didn't actually make the cover as the publishers were nervous about copyright regarding the costumes. We came up with a rough alternative:

. . . but they didn't go with it. My illustrations for each chapter made it in there though, I'll dig 'em out and put them up next post.

Next is a cover for Doug's comic fantasy novel, which can be found here:

Hopefully they'll be many more collaboration with Dr. Van Belle, starting today, go get 'em chief!

And a cheeky back cover: